Aquaculture health management technologies for a sustainable future

We build a biomarker-based platform that shifts health management from REACTIVE to PROACTIVE

We are an eclectic group of scientists focusing on leveraging biotechnology to enable a proactive approach to animal health assessments, offering granular insight into the health of farmed fish and shellfish.

Our B2B offering provides clients with a tailored approach to tackling their farming and nutritional endeavors and concerns. We utilize a proteomics workflow coupled to in-depth bioinformatic analyses to assess the health status of farmed fish and shellfish.

We offer aquaculture farmers, veterinarians and feed companies granular biological insight into the health of their animals, as well as the impact of feeds and farming practices. Ultimately, we provide critical decision support to the industry.

What we do

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We remove the burden of trying to make sense of large protein datasets by providing holistic analyses that are biologically interpreted for our clients

Leveraging biotechnology for answering the “black box” questions in aquaculture

The global aquaculture healthcare sector was valued at
$870M in 2021, and is projected to have a CAGR of 13.4% by 2028, reaching well over $ 1.5B in value.


Deep tech with the potential to change aquatic animal healthcare as we know it

Through our technological approach and growing database, we will be able to identify biomarkers of stress and metabolism. We are also developing diagnostics and therapeutics for the identification and treatment of infectious diseases in farmed fish.

Our technology utilizes a proteomic approach to proactively and effectively assess the health and metabolism of animals.

We offer:

  • Aquaculture farmers & veterinarians a granular assessment of animal health & metabolism as affected by farming practices, such as RAS, nutrition & chronic stress.

  • Fish feed producers a tool for optimizing feed formulations & feeding regimes by providing in-depth metabolic data.

We are currently open to working with farmers, veterinarians and fish feed companies.

“Collaboration - the ultimate intertwining of skills, passions, and knowledge - is what concocts the most shatterproof forms of changemaking.”

Ian Somerhalder

At MariHealth Solutions, we believe in the value and wider impact collaboration and a shared vision can have on the growth, longevity and sustainability of aquaculture as a major contributor to global food security. As such, we are open to collaborations and partnerships with interested parties.

Meet the Team

MariHealth Solutions will be raising again in Q4 of 2024.

Please share your email address with us so we may share our deck with you once we commence our raise.

Collaborators & Investors

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